Source of dust
Origin:Hefan Hit: Time:2020-02-27
Dust sources can be divided into two categories
One: It is caused by human activities.
Two: It is caused by natural processes.
The latter includes all kinds of dust caused by volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and lightning. At present, human beings can't completely control the pollution of the atmosphere by natural processes, but these natural processes are mostly occasional and regional, and the same two processes often take longer. Because the natural environment has a certain capacity and self-purification energy, dust pollution caused by natural processes will automatically disappear after a period of time, and there is no fundamental harm to the development of the entire human race.

Dust source
Natural phenomena: volcanic eruption, gale flying sand, earthquake, soil and sand collapse, gas explosion due to temperature or mixing rate change, decay, pollen, microorganisms, forest fire.
Everyday life: cooking, heating, air-conditioning, clothes, cleaning, smoking, agriculture, fishing, medical, entertainment, education, flour, pollen.
Commercial transactions: heating, air-conditioning, cooking, packaging logistics, display, assembly, office and other activities.
Industry: Combustion, smelting, smashing, mixing, separating, combining, decomposing, drying, grinding, polishing, conveying, packaging, agglomeration, welding, cutting and other chemical operations.
Transportation: sea and land transportation, aviation.
Military: Military transfers and military operations, military exercises, training
Today, the most worrying thing is the dust pollution caused by human life and production activities. Since human life and production activities have been uninterrupted, this pollution has never stopped for more than 100 years. The rapid development of industry and transportation, the continuous expansion of cities, and the high concentration of population have made air pollution increasingly serious. At present, more than 100 million tons of coal dust and other dusts are discharged into the atmosphere every year, which seriously affects the atmosphere and poses a threat to human health. Since this dust pollution to the atmosphere is caused by human activities, it can also be controlled by human activities.

The dust caused by human activities mainly comes from three sources, namely industrial production pollution sources, living activity pollution sources and transportation pollution sources.
1: Industrial production pollution sources such as thermal power plants, steel plants, building materials plants, chemical plants, non-ferrous metal plants, mining operation areas and other industrial sectors in the production and fuel combustion process, all discharge a large amount of dust and other harmful components into the atmosphere industry The source of production pollution is the most important source of dust pollution.
2: The sources of domestic pollution, the residential stoves of industrial and mining enterprises, and the millions of household stoves, business stoves, and chimneys of heating boilers in the commercial district will also emit smoke and dust into the atmosphere. These pollution sources are widely distributed and the total amount of pollutants is large. They often have a great impact on the quality of the local atmospheric environment and cannot be ignored.
3: Transportation Pollution Sources Vehicles, trains, ships, airplanes, and other vehicles emit exhaust pollutants and secondary dust from walking that contain dust pollutants. Today, the transportation industry is very developed, especially in cities, and it has become one of the important sources of dust pollution.