What are the technical processes of wastewater treatment equipment?
Origin:Hefan Hit: Time:2019-09-11
Wastewater treatment is generally divided into three stages. First-level treatment: mechanical treatment (pretreatment), second-level treatment: biochemical treatment, third-level treatment: advanced treatment.

The primary treatment mainly adopts physical treatment methods, such as grille, screen, sedimentation tank, sedimentation tank and oil separator to remove suspended matter and oil slick from wastewater, preliminarily adjust pH and reduce the degree of decomposition of wastewater. Among them, there are two types of sedimentation tank: advection type and aeration type. There are four types of sedimentation tank: advection type, vertical flow type, amplitude flow type and oblique flow type.
Secondary treatment is biochemical treatment, which mainly removes soluble organic matter and some colloidal pollutants from wastewater. Biological treatment of sewage includes aerobic biological treatment and anaerobic biological treatment. Aerobic biological treatment methods include traditional activated sludge process, oxidation ditch, sequencing batch activated sludge process, biological filter, BAS. Anaerobic biological treatment mainly uses the metabolic process of anaerobic microorganisms to transform organic pollutants in wastewater into inorganic and cellular substances under anaerobic conditions. It can be divided into four stages: hydrolysis stage, fermentation stage, acetic acid production stage and methane production stage.
The three-stage treatment methods include sand filtration, coagulation, microfiltration, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, ion exchange, disinfection, activated carbon adsorption, nitrogen and phosphorus removal, etc.