Objects and requirements of exhaust gas treatment
Origin:Hefan Hit: Time:2020-03-25
I. Waste gas treatment object
Due to human activities and natural processes, pollutants are discharged into the clean atmosphere, resulting in atmospheric pollution, and human activities, especially human production activities, are the main causes of atmospheric pollution. These pollutants include the exhaust gas emitted from the materials in the production equipment and transportation equipment through chemical, physical changes, and biochemical changes. various kinds. In China, the pollution caused by the combustion of various fuels, especially coal, accounts for the largest proportion of pollution sources. Therefore, in terms of pollution types, China is a soot type pollution, and particulate matter and SO2 and N have become the most important pollution characteristics indicators.
In China, air pollution is serious. This is due to the fact that China has achieved rapid economic development since the harvest and opening up, but it has not escaped the traditional economic growth model characterized by large consumption of resources and operations, so low energy utilization The high consumption of raw materials, the large amount of pollutants, and the low output result in worsening pollution. Economic transformation will improve the environmental situation. At the same time, in order to change this situation, air pollutants must be treated to improve the environmental quality. To this end, comprehensive management measures must be adopted, and the control of pollutant emissions from pollution sources is one of the important ones. This is the basis for ensuring the quality of the environment, and also provides a prerequisite for the effective implementation of comprehensive governance.

The technology of man-made pollution sources for waste gas treatment focuses on the treatment of industrial waste gas (including fuel combustion and process production processes), and pays due attention to the treatment of automobile exhaust gas. Due to the many types of pollutants contained in exhaust gas, especially the industrial pollution sources are different due to the different raw materials and product routes used, the characteristics of the discharged pollutants (physical, chemical and biological characteristics) are also different, and the treatment technology involves a wide range. Therefore, this article focuses on the treatment of major pollutants that are large in volume, wide in scope, and harmful.
In the introduction of treatment methods, not only the more general treatment methods (or unit process of treatment technology), but also special treatment methods for certain pollutants are introduced.
More general methods: For some major air pollutants such as particulate pollutants, SO2, NO, organic pollutants, etc., the treatment methods used are universal, regardless of the applicability and effectiveness of the method, or the required raw materials. Significance is suitable for the treatment of pollutants in a certain industry: the air pollutants produced by some production lines have certain similarities, so the treatment methods are common, but they are not necessarily applicable to other industries.
Treatment of a certain kind of special pollutants: Some products have their own unique features in the production process, product use, or raw materials used, so the treatment methods and technical routes of the pollutants they produce are also special. Although these methods have no universal application significance, they have great practical significance in solving the pollution problems of this type of production.
Two: Requirements for exhaust gas treatment
The purpose of waste gas pollution source treatment is to improve the quality of the atmospheric environment, ensure the health of the population, maintain ecological balance, and promote a virtuous cycle. To achieve this, the following requirements must be fulfilled.
1. Implement total emission control of major pollutants
The quality of the regional atmospheric environment is mainly determined by the total amount of pollutants entering the regional atmospheric environment, not the emission concentration of each pollution source. Therefore, the exhaust gas treatment must meet the requirements of reducing the total emissions of major pollutants as much as possible.
2. Reduce the amount of pollutants generated during economic activities
By improving product design, try not to use toxic and raw materials, reduce energy consumption and raw material consumption, and make products entering the market meet the requirements of green products. For the pollutants that still need to be discharged after the previous application, select effective treatment technologies for treatment.
3. Screen exhaust gas treatment technology and adopt the best practical technology as possible
When carrying out exhaust gas treatment, we must refer to the best practical technology and feasible practical technology catalog published by the Ministry of Environmental Protection according to the actual conditions of the region and industry. , Environmental benefits (effects of pollution control), feasibility and advanced nature are comprehensively considered, and the best practical technology is adopted as far as possible.