How to choose high quality activated carbon
Origin:Hefan Hit: Time:2019-11-13
There are many kinds of activated carbon. According to the production materials can be divided into: coconut shell activated carbon, shell activated carbon, coal activated carbon, wood powder activated carbon.
Activated carbon can be divided into: drinking water treatment activated carbon, sewage treatment activated carbon, decolorization activated carbon, by-product activated carbon, chemical activated carbon, monosodium glutamate specific activated carbon, air purification activated carbon, water purification activated carbon, gold conductive activated carbon, API decolorization activated carbon, wine activated carbon, waste gas treatment activated carbon.
According to similar uses, there are functional activated carbon: desulfurized activated carbon, dehalogenated activated carbon, aldehyde activated carbon, mercury activated carbon, alkali activated carbon.

Activated carbon purification equipment for Hefan environment
There are so many activated carbon. When you choose freely, you can choose the corresponding activated carbon products according to your own use. And sail environment below to give you some advice on how to choose activated carbon.
I. weight by kilogram
The higher the adsorption capacity of activated carbon is, the larger the porosity is and the lighter the relative density is. Therefore, good activated carbon is light in weight and large in volume. Under the same weight, good activated carbon is much more than poor activated carbon.
II. Particle size
The smaller the particle, the larger the specific surface area and the better the adsorption effect. However, the production process of small granular activated carbon has a large loss, resulting in more dust. Therefore, in order to reduce the cost, many manufacturers use large granular activated carbon, the effect is very poor. Note: the volume of active carbon with good performance is less than 2mm.
Three: look at the amount of dust.
During the production of activated carbon, the dust produced by activated carbon will be treated. If there is too much dust, it is easy to dirty hands with activated carbon in hand. If inhaled into human body, it will also cause harm to human body. In order to reduce the cost, some activated carbon has not been dusted and dusted, so you must polish your eyes when you buy it. The poor quality of the activated carbon results in secondary pollution.
Four: look at the bubbles.
When a handful of activated carbon is put into the water, the water will be immersed in the activated carbon, so that the air in the gap of the activated carbon will be discharged, and a series of small bubbles will be produced. The more bubbles, the longer duration, the better adsorption performance of activated carbon.